Atom & Bantam Rep OMHA Semi Finals!! .... FILL THE BARN!!!, News (Mooretown Minor Hockey)

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Feb 28, 2019 | Communications | 1198 views
Atom & Bantam Rep OMHA Semi Finals!! .... FILL THE BARN!!!

Our Atom Rep and Bantam Rep teams have both fought their way into the OMHA Semi Finals! Congratulations boys!!

The Bantam Rep's series begins tonight in Ingersoll, then back on home ice for game # 2 this Saturday, March 2nd at 5:25PM. The Atom Rep team will host game #1 in their series immediatly following the Bantams this Saturday, March 2nd at 7:00PM vs Ayr Flames.

We are inviting everyone out this Saturday evening to cheer on these boys in what is sure to be some exciting hockey!!

Let's FILL the barn, make some NOISE and show everyone what it means to be a MOORETOWN HOCKEY FAN!!! Come dressed in your FINEST Mooretown swag and GO FLAGS GO!!!!



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