Firefighters Field Days Parade / ParticipACTION Challenge, News (Mooretown Minor Hockey)

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Jun 03, 2019 | Communications | 886 views
Firefighters Field Days Parade / ParticipACTION Challenge
We would like to invite all of our MTMHA players out this coming Saturday, June 8th at 11:00AM to walk in the Firefighters Field Day Parade!

As a community lets get moving, record our physical activity for the next two weeks and be the MOST ACTIVE COMMUNITY IN CANADA. Let's show our support of St Clair Townships quest to win $150,000 from the  Participaction Challenge

The parade starts at 11:00AM, line up starts around 10:30AM along Beckwith Street behind the fire trucks.

Parade route goes south down Lyndoch Street, turning onto Cameron and returning to the fire hall.

Everyone is invited back to the fire hall following the parade for a fun day of activities!

Don't forget to wear your Mooretown Swag!!

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