Good News!! Re: Spectator MSC Policy, News (Mooretown Minor Hockey)

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Sep 21, 2020 | Communications | 1564 views
Good News!! Re: Spectator MSC Policy
Good news!! Today, St. Clair Township council voted to allow 1 spectator per participant for rentals at the Moore Sports Complex, starting October 3rd, which coincides with the start of our younger age groups programming start. As such, our U7 and below groups will be at Mooretown for their skates.

MTMHA wants to thank township staff and council for their work on this, as well as the numerous people that voiced their support throughout.

It is very important that we continue to move forward this reopening safely. This will require everyone’s patience, understanding and following of the rules and protocol set forth by the arena.

MTMHA will continue to keep our members updated with arena flow, protocols, and other requirements as we move forward.

There has been some additions made to the MTMHA Return to Play in regards to our policy & procedures in the event of an illness. Please take a few minutes to review.


For our players who have yet to return to the MSC this season please remember ALL players are required to fill out the online forms below before entering the facility.

CLICK HERE - Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims and indemnity Agreement  (18 years of age and older)
CLICK HERE - Informed Consent and Assumption of Risk Agreement (Under the age of 18 years)
CLICK HERE - Declaration of Compliance: COVID-19

We also wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of our players, parents and coaches for all of their cooperation over these past few weeks. We are so proud of the way everyone has conducted themselves as we return to play! 

Thanks again!
