2020 / 2021 Season Comes To An End ...., News (Mooretown Minor Hockey)

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Mar 16, 2021 | Communications | 869 views
2020 / 2021 Season Comes To An End ....
Good Morning MTMHA Members;

We hope you are all doing well. We would like to provide your with an update on the 2020 /2021 season that unfortunately has come to an end. After the decision was made to move Lambton County into grey,  St. Clair township has decided to remove the ice on rink 1 and begin much needed renovations on both ice surfaces.

We wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone for making the 2020 / 2021 season as successful as it could have been. 

We were fortunate enough to have a program where our players got out on the ice  2-3 times a week. It is unfortunate that the season has ended the way it did, we are happy we had what we did.

Thank you to all of the players, coaches and parents for co-operating with the arena rules and guidelines. We understand it was a lot on not only the kids but everyone as a whole. 

Thank you to our MTMHA Executive for the amount of hours, meeting, and effort that went on behind the scenes. More so than any other season to date.

Thanks to the St. Clair Township staff for working with us to develop a plan to get players safely back on the ice. 

Refunds will be coming as soon as they can. It’s a manual process and take extra time. We appreciate your patience.   

Our AGM will be happening using Zoom once again. Please do your best to attend. Voting for board positions will be done online. Please pay attention to your email and the website for details.

Lastly our chicken dinner fundraiser is April 11th. Please fill out your order online. 

Stay Safe,

Hugh McCowan
President MTMHA
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