Referee clinics are available this year for Level I and Level II referees (limited spots available)
• Level I: half day clinic for 2006 or 2007* birth years (2 spots)
• Level II: full day clinic for those who are 16 years old or older (2-3 spots)
*must be 14 years old at time of clinic Any candidates interested must contact Adam Oblak by email ([email protected]) ASAP, as spots are limited and on a first come, first served basis.
Please include your full name, mailing address with postal code, email & phone number (if 14, 15 or 16 - please make it parent's contact info), date of birth and gender.
Candidates info will be sent to Pat Scarlett - OMHA Manager of Officiating Region 1A by mid-July.
Pat will send information on date/time/place of clinics.