Gate Passes for 2021 / 2022 Season, News (Mooretown Minor Hockey)

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Oct 27, 2021 | Communications | 1221 views
Gate Passes for 2021 / 2022 Season
Over the past few days, we have been receiving a lot of questions revolving around Gate Fees and Passes.  Many of you are just being introduced to it, many of you are seasoned pros.  Either way, they are a viable part to keeping our system functioning.

Gate fees and gate passes help offset the cost of our Referees.  2 gate passes are paid for by the parents of the player, and these gate passes cover the cost of the admission for the 2 people that have them per game. U9 through U18 are required to pay gate fees or have a gate pass every time you attend a game in Mooretown. 

 The gate fees for those that do not have gate passes (friends, grandparents, etc) are $4 Adults, $2 for Students and Seniors.  These fees are set by our leagues, and must be paid. 

Gate passes for parents of players have traditionally been paid for at the registration period, and the $95 fee added to the cost of registration. With all the uncertainty as to whether or not games would be played this year when we first started registration, the requirement to purchase gate passes at the time of registration was removed. THIS IS NOW BEING IMPLEMENTED, and gate passes have been provided to the coach/manager of each U9 through U18 team to distribute, UPON RECEIPT OF PAYMENT of the $95 fee for the two passes. Purchase of these gate passes is mandatory for each player. The team manager is to keep track of received funds, and is not to release the gate passes to parents without payment. This $95 fee for gate passes has always been done by MTMHA hockey, we are just collecting it at a different time this year.
Gate passes have been distributed to the oldest players coach/manager, and they are usable at every home game in the regular season for the team. ie, they can be used at each of your children's games. For example, if you have multiple children they can be used at any of their home games. 
Each team is responsible for collecting Gate Admission for each of their home games throughout the season. This MTMHA revenue is used to pay for weekly ice rentals, equipment, OMHA fees, referees and insurance. It is an essential part of our Not For Profit Organization - collecting gate fees helps to keep registration costs low. 
The Team Manager is responsible for creating a season schedule and assigning the Gate Keeper position to parents for each home game, and providing the gate keeper will a float prior to each game. The Gate Keeper must be 18 years of age or older. Youth volunteers MUST be chaperoned by an adult at all times and the adult volunteer is responsible for completing the summary and tally at the end of each shift. Each shift will begin at least 40 minutes prior to the puck drop. The shift will end 30 minutes before end of game or when the next team’s Gate Keeper arrives.   
When your shift is complete, please place the counted money in a sealed envelope with the team name and amount clearly marked on the front of the envelope. This envelope should be passed on to the team manager to provide to MTMHA executive for collection. 

Only the Front Doors are acceptable entrances into the arena. In the long run you lose money everytime someone enters through the rear doors.

We hope this clarifies the questions you may have;
Geoff Dale
VP of Risk Management- MTMHA