A Few Reminders ...
1. Coaches please ensure the player benches and penalty boxes are cleaned up at the end of their ice time, pylons, boards, markers, water bottles etc are being left behind, these things can go missing, so best if they are put away.
2. Dressing rooms are assigned daily. Coaches and parents please check the TV in the lobby. Staff does try to schedule these dressing rooms according to what is on or coming on, so when players start going into any unlocked room, it presents us with situations like males dressing beside females with a sharable washroom. I know sometimes this is unavoidable, but during practices they do their best to make sure that isn’t scheduled that way.
3. It came to our attention the other day that the tv in lobby 2 is broken at MSC. It appears something hit it and now it will not operate. There seems to be lots of “lobby” hockey and soccer happening inside the facility. Hockey is to remain on the ice and all other games, soccer, catch, tag etc to please take them outdoors, there is a huge front lawn where these types of activities are better suited. Besides the fact that the tv has been damage, doing these types of activities is a health and safety concern, as bystanders could be hit by an errant stick, ball or puck.