Letter From the President...., News (Mooretown Minor Hockey)

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Oct 15, 2016 | MTMHA | 1272 views
Letter From the President....
My Friends

Mooretown Minor Hockey is dedicated to ensuring the safety and security of all our members.

On Wednesday Evening, October 12th, the Mooretown Sports Complex Fire Alarm System was activated shortly before 7pm.  The alarm was audible throughout the entire complex and members on the ice, dressing rooms, halls and common areas were alerted immediately.

I wanted to thank the coaches, parents and arena staff that maintained control and composure to get everyone where they needed to be in this situation.  I would also like to thank the players on the ice that remained calm and waited to be directed. 

It became very clear that MTMHA and the MSC must develop and promote a better understanding of the protocol.  Because of our commitment to safety, your Board of Directors and the Director of Mooretown Sports Complex are working diligently to construct a detailed but easy to follow plan in the event this should happen again and also to prepare ourselves for a real emergency. 

Thanks again for everyone’s effort

Kind Regards  

Andrew Vandersteen