Making Mooretown Proud!!!, News (Mooretown Minor Hockey)

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Jan 08, 2017 | MTMHA | 1619 views
Making Mooretown Proud!!!
This weekend marked a very busy and successful outing for several of our Mooretown Teams.  First and foremost our Atom White Team brought home the Championship in their SilverStick Finals.  This is the First Tri-County SilverStick Win EVER!!!!! Awesome job team!!!

Secondly, the Peewee Orange Team, also represented Mooretown in their Silver Stick Finals.  They battled all the way to the semi's to have a tough loss with 10 seconds remaining in their game.

Our other Silver Stick teams, the Midget Rep, competed hard in their SS Finals in Forest but hit strong teams in Kincardine and Renfrew, and the Juvenile team fought hard in our very own Finals here in Mooretown.  

Other Jr Flags were also in tournaments across the province this weekend and a big shout out to their efforts and finishes.   The Peewee Rep team made it to their Semi Final in Fort Erie and the Peewee Black TC Team along with the Atom Black TC team competed in the Walter Gretzky House League Invitational in Brantford.

Great job Mooretown!!!!  

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