Todd Bidner's Skill Shot PD Day Shooting Clinic ... 2nd & 3rd Afternoon Sessions Added!!!, News (Mooretown Minor Hockey)

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May 26, 2017 | Communications | 2248 views
Todd Bidner's Skill Shot PD Day Shooting Clinic ... 2nd & 3rd Afternoon Sessions Added!!!
Two more afternoon sessions added due to interest! (See below)

MTMHA players have a chance to WIN a FREE spot at Todd Bidner's PD Day Shooting Clinic on Friday June 9th 2017 at Progressive Auto Sales Arena. All MTMHA players who register will be put into a draw for one free spot!

** Be sure to identify as a MTMHA player when registering **

Todd Bidner's Skill Shot Shooting Clinic

Date:     Friday June 9th 2017 
Time:     9:00-10:30AM - Novice/Atom(as of September 2017)             
              10:30-12:00PM - Peewee/Bantam/Minor Midget(as of September 2017)
              1:00 - 2:30PM - Peewee / Banta, (as of September 2017)  ** 3rd SESSION ADDED!!
              2:30 - 4:00PM - Novice/Atom (as of September 2017)  **4th SESSION ADDED!!

Place:    Progressive Auto Sales Arena
Cost:     $25.00 ($15.00 for goalies)

This shooting clinic will focus on shooting (wrist shots, slap shots), quick release followed by a 3 on 3 scrimmage.   

Questions or to register please email [email protected] or call (519) 869-6757 or (519) 331-I’m wondering about posting peewee/bantam from 1:00-2:30 and then if I get more novice/atom sign ups we can schedule for 2:30-4:000011

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