Hockey School & Skill Development Team, News (Mooretown Minor Hockey)

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May 31, 2017 | Communications | 976 views
Hockey School & Skill Development Team
We are looking for 2-3 qualified individuals with a comprehensive hockey knowledge to work with the "Hockey School & Skill Development" team for the 2017 / 2018 season.

In this role you would be working as a team to schedule coach, trainer & referee clinics, work on coach development & coaching evaluations, assist in seeking out & scheduling hockey schools & clinics as well as help to successfully evaluate players.

The "Hockey School & Skill Development" team will meet prior to & throughout the season in order to help develop all MTMHA coaches & players to their full potential in the upcoming season.

Being part of this team will qualify you for your mandatory volunteer hours for the 2017 / 2018 season.

If you have any questions or have an interest in being on this team please contact Corey Laframboise at [email protected]

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