SUMMER ICE!! Summer Clinics! Registration Now OPEN!!!...Bantam Times Have Changed!!, News (Mooretown Minor Hockey)

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Jul 22, 2017 | Communications | 8720 views
SUMMER ICE!! Summer Clinics! Registration Now OPEN!!!...Bantam Times Have Changed!!
** Still room available in these summer clinics, see below **

MTMHA is excited to announce we have picked up some summer ice time to help our young hockey players get ready for the upcoming 2017 / 2018 season.

Check out all the exciting info below ....

We have teamed up with Power Edge Pro & will be running development sessions starting July 17th through August 31st. Any MTMHA registered players (male & female) from Novice to Bantam are invited out.

Cost is $12.00 / session or $60.00 for all 5 sessions. There will be a maximum of 30 skaters & 6 goalies per session. If full we will start a waiting list. Goalies may receive minor instructions from goalie coaches if available.

Although Power Edge Pro will be running the sessions they have asked that MTMHA also supply coaches on the ice. These hours will not count for volunteer hours but will help in the development of yourself as a coach as well as the development of the players. When registering please indicate if you would be willing to help out on the ice.

To register please email Corey Laframboise at [email protected] 
Please include player name, age group & the sessions you would like to register for in email.

**Peewee & Bantam sessions may be merged starting in session # 3 depending on registration numbers. Corey Laframboise will be in touch with any skaters affected by email. Also watch the website for changes **

Novice 2009 / 2010
Birth Year
(Wednesday Nights) 
Session 1     July 19th       7:00 - 7:50PM
Session 2     July 26th      7:00 - 7:50PM
Session 3     August 9th      7:00 - 7:50PM
Session 4     August 16th      7:00 - 7:50PM
Session 5     August 23rd      7:00 - 7:50PM

Atom 2007 / 2008
Birth Year
(Wednesday Nights)
Session 1 July 19th 8:00 - 8:50PM
Session 2  August 2nd 7:00 - 7:50PM
Session 3 August 9th 8:00 - 8:50PM
Session 4 August 23rd 8:00 - 8:50PM
Session 5 August 30th 7:00 - 7:50PM 

Peewee 2005 / 2006
Birth Year 
(Wednesday Nights)
*Session #1 is on a Monday* 
Session 1 July 17th 6:00 - 6:50PM
Session 2 July 26th 8:00 - 8:50PM 
Session 3 August 2nd 8:00 - 8:50PM 
Session 4 August 16th  8:00 - 8:50PM 
Session 5 August 30th 8:00 - 8:50PM 

Bantam 2005 / 2006
Birth Year
(Now Wednesday Nights)
Session 1 July 24th 6:00 - 6:50PM  ***MONDAY***
Session 2 July 26th 8:00 - 8:50PM
Session 3 August 2nd 8:00 - 8:50PM
Session 4 August 16th 8:00- 8:50PM
Session 5 August 30th 8:00 - 8:50PM

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