MTMHA Vulnerable Sector Screening (Criminal Record Check), News (Mooretown Minor Hockey)

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Oct 08, 2017 | JrFlags | 2003 views
MTMHA Vulnerable Sector Screening (Criminal Record Check)
All Team Officials including Hockey Moms, On-Ice Volunteers and Board of Directors are required to have an up-to-date Vulnerable Sector Check.
We will be holding our 2nd screening on October 10th  @ 1630-2030hrs

All checks are now completed at the Petrolia OPP Detachment located at
4224 Oil Heritage Rd, Petrolia, ON N0N 1R0

If you have completed a Police Check in the last three (3) years, you are still required to fill out and submit to the Risk Management Officer, the Criminal Offense Declaration Form found HERE.  If you are required to have a check completed, please ensure you fill out and bring this form if you need to Declare an Offense against the Criminal Code of Canada when attending your screening.

To see a list of offenses that would affect your coaching status please click HERE to view the OMHA Criminal Record Check Policy.

The detachment requires proof that you are volunteering with MTMHA or you will be charged a fee.   Complete this FORM and bring with you at time of screening.

Further questions can be directed to Rick Leonard, VP Risk Management Officer