Cross Ice Hockey Program - Feed Back Required, News (Mooretown Minor Hockey)

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Oct 11, 2017 | Communications | 6388 views
Cross Ice Hockey Program - Feed Back Required
"Cross Ice Hockey Program - Feed Back Required"

Recently it was  discovered that Hockey Canada is having their winter meetings in early November, and it is our understanding that on the agenda will be the Cross Ice program and possible expansion into the  2010/2011 birth years.

As a membership in principle, we agree, with Hockey Canada's implementation of cross ice initiatives however we believe that the program should be implemented at a specific birth year allowing that group of players to grow within the program and not to be changed on a year by year basis. 

It is with hopes that a general consensus will be reached and as a result a formal recommendation will be presented in writing to Hockey Canada through the Shamrock Hockey League and surrounding memberships. 

Please visit the provided link to ensure that your opinion counts!  CLICK HERE FOR LINK
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