Hockey Day In Mooretown - March 24th, News (Mooretown Minor Hockey)

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Mar 16, 2018 | Communications | 1072 views
Hockey Day In Mooretown - March 24th
Come out on Saturday March 24th and join us for a fun filled morning of Hockey to close out the 2017 / 2018 season for our Instructional, Initiation and Novice HL teams.

Come cheer on these fine young athletes that we have watched grow and turn into hockey players since the beginning of the season!

Players are encouraged to attend medal presentations upstairs (above Rink #1) and for a bit to eat from the Hockey Mom Kitchen. Meals are provided for all players & coaching staff (In the Instructional, Initiation and Novice HL divisions) . 

Hockey Day Schedule

*All games are played on Rink # 1

8:30-9:20AM -  Instructional
9:20-10:20AM -  Initiation 1 vs Initiation 2
10:30-11:30AM -  Novice 1 vs Novice 2
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