PeeWee AE Gives Back! Nice Job Boys!, News (Mooretown Minor Hockey)

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Mar 26, 2018 | Communications | 858 views
PeeWee AE Gives Back! Nice Job Boys!
On January 27th the Peewee AE team came together to raise funds for The Inn of the Good Shepherd Sarnia.  

In a perfect example of pay it forward, the Peewee AE team gave up their time on a Saturday to raise funds for the Inn of the Good Shepherd.

They spent a few hours on a bottle drive that proved to be very successful and rewarding for everyone involved.  

On Tuesday, February 13th The PeeWee AE team presented a check for $1200.00 to Myles Vanni from the Inn of the Good Shepherd.

It was great to see the excitement in Myles as the dollars raised were more than expected. The boys found it rewarding as he explained to them how their hard work would be used to assist the people in our community.

The team would like to thank all the parent that assisted with this day, the people of Corunna who donated and the girls at "The Beers store" that work with us to organize all of the returns.


So great to see our MTMHA teams giving back to our community! Great work!
