2019 / 2020 Season Coach Evaluation Form (Mooretown Minor Hockey)

2019 / 2020 Season Coach Evaluation Form


Required Information. You may submit multiple forms if evaluating more than one person or team.


Please evaluate the following practice experiences of this hockey team. ---You must click the Stars to select them. Stars left grey report a '0' score.---


Please evaluate the following game experiences of this hockey team.


Please evaluate the following general experiences of this hockey team.


Please evaluate the following overall experiences of your son or daughter’s hockey team. If the question is not applicable do not select a response.

---You must click the Stars to select them.  Stars left grey report a '0' score.---

This is a confidential survey.

Your feedback is incorporated anonymously when evaluating Coaching candidates for next season. 

Only the Coaching Review Member (non-Coach) will have access to the source of this information. Positive feedback and constructive criticism from your responses will be given to the coaches without reference to source. Some feedback may be reviewed by the Executive as required.

Prior feedback is one of the tools we use when evaluating Coaching Applicants so please complete the form honestly and accurately.