Board Meeting
October 23, 2018
In attendance: Jason Bourdage, Kim Quinn, Ryan Gavigan, Todd Free, Kaylen Burgess, Marnie Vickerd, Bob Gladwish, Derek Gibbs, Greg Armstrong, Marilyn Maoirat, Kevin Slater, Jason McLean, Kim Sylvester, Nicole Wilson, Stacy Mazur & Charlene Degurse.
Meeting Begins at: 7:05pm
1. Finance Committee:
No financial statement. We haven’t received all the bills for September as of yet.
2. Communications: Kaylen
- St. Clair Child and Youth came and did a mental health information session for coaches and board members. 25 people attended. That will be rolling out in November.
- November10-11 we will do "green tape" for teams on hockey sticks.
- All players will get pins and stickers for their helmets. Coaches have information to relay to players about mental health.
- Hockey moms will be running a 50/50 and MTMHA will match that as a donation.
- We will double check what we donated last year (matched 50/50 and donated gates) and do the same.
- St. Clair Child and Youth will be here for the weekend.
3. Registration: Connie (Not present / No update)
4. Volunteer: Charlene
- Volunteer opportunities are posted on the board at the arena for The Rise Up Cup positions
5. Sponsorship: Marilyn
- Contacted all coaches to confirm that sponsor bars are right. 3 or 4 teams are still needed to get on there.
- Spoken with Kaylen about getting website updated with sponsors
- Thank you letters have been printed and are ready to be handed out.
- Some wall signs are still missing.
- Chatted with Bob Barnes about who the Jr C team gets sponsors from, now have a list of who they are using.
- People have been asking about our corporate donation policy.
6. Hockey Moms: Kim
- Rise Up Cup volunteer positions have been posted to their facebook page.
- 50/50 at gates have been going well.
- Meat orders are going well.
- Novice tri-county and atom team need a hockey mom still.
- Kim and Nicole are both stepping down from their positions. They would like to have any interesting prospects to shadow them for the remainder of the season.
Hockey Committee Update:
7. OMHA: Todd
- OMHA rosters are almost complete. Still waiting on some trainings to be complete. An email will be sent to let them know they must be certified or they cannot be on the bench.
- OMHA has requested the attendance sheets from the Gender Sensitivity pre season chat.
- Midget Tri County- we have gone to omha as they want to roster 21 players. Last year there were only 19.
8. Shamrock: Greg
- Game sheet stuff is going well. Important that each team puts their own scores in.
- Couple centres are looking at having only Minor Midget next season. Its own division.
- Hosting the All Star game on December 15. Will need some sponsors for that. We will need to make a program and signage. Jerseys will be acquired from Planet Stitch.
- Will set up a meeting in November to collaborate ideas and get the ball rolling.
9. Houselague: Derek
- Needs some more volunteers. Almost 30 kids on the ice.
- Once games are scheduled, there will be some open ice. He would like to split it between the teams.
- New boards are in. They go together in about 8 minutes or less.
- New boards will not fit into the spot where the previous ones were. Derek has spoken with someone and may have figured out a solution.
- Black out dates in November? Does it effect the younger ages? Unsure, have to reach out to Adam.
10. Travel: Ryan
- Majority of travel teams are doing well.
- Midget AE’s have players who want to join but they are full.
- Having an issue with our juvenile team. We have until the end of the month to decided if we are keeping this team or not. Finance committee and Ryan will crunch some numbers and see about offering discount to players.
11. Tri-County: Stacy
- Forwarded receipts to Kevin and Jason for reimbursements; coaches/trainers are now starting to ask when they will receive a cheque.
- Sent an invoice to Kevin and Jason for a missing game sheet, and will forward the invoice for league fees when I get it.
- Would like to find a place for the new to MTMHA player, even if it is on a tyke team. Jason Bourdage will contact Connie about making that happen.
12. Development: Corey-nothing to update. Has asked coaches if they’d like anything in particular.
13. Ice Scheduler/Convenor: Jim (Not present / No update)
14. Tournament: Adam
Adam would like to hold a tournament meeting to see about some help. We will set something up for next week.
15. Jerseys/Equipment: Bob
- Motion to buy a cash box to attach to the outside of the ipad case.-Bob, Second Jason McLean; Passed
- Need to purchase more pylons. Will be getting green tape this week.
16. Risk Management: Marnie
- Concussion clinic, more than 20 attended
- First Aid Clinic, 7 registered; 4 attended. Will work for lady flags for next time
- VSS checks, we have about half. An email will go out to get those in.
- Dry land training: We are not calling it "Dry Land". The association or team cannot mandate it.
- One complaint about a coach. Hasn’t developed into anything further.
17. Timeline: All
Motion to adjourn: Jason McLean, 2nd Kim. Passed
Meeting adjourned at 8:58pm