Mooretown Minor Hockey Association
2024 / 2025 Season
Q & A

Online registration for the 2024 / 2025 season is OPEN from May 1st - June 30th 2023
MTMHA is encouraging all players who intend to play in this upcoming season to get registered online at this time, this is VERY important and will allow MTMHA to properly plan for the 2024 / 2025 season.
Q - Who can register to play hockey in Mooretown?
Players aged 4-20 who live within the geographical boundaries of MTMHA as defined by the OMHA are eligible to register for hockey in Mooretown. Players who live outside this area are not allowed under any circumstances to play on any MTMHA travel teams. Players who only want to play in our House League system and live outside our boundary are encouraged to play in their designated area, but if special circumstances exist, can be allowed to play House League only in MTMHA. To register, players must have the consent of an adult guardian.
Q - How do I register to play hockey in Mooretown?
Mooretown Minor Hockey Association is a member organization of the OMHA. All OMHA players, must register ON-LINE. This can be done in MTMHA each year for a limited period of time usually May through June. Registration is limited by numbers so we encourage you to register early. MTMHA on-line registration can be accessed via our website under the Registration menu. Registration requires paying with a Visa or MC all of the fees necessary to qualify you to play in MTMHA. These fees include an annual $10 membership fee per household and a registration fee per player. A volunteer fee deposit of $500 per household is also collected in the form of a post-dated cheque once a player has been placed on a team. This cheque is returned after 8 hours of volunteer time is completed. Cheques are cashed if volunteer requirements are not met.
Q - How do I register to play Travel Hockey?
To play travel hockey in Mooretown you must live within our boundaries as defined by the OMHA and be of an age that qualifies you to play on one of our travel teams. You need to register to play hockey in MTMHA prior to Tryouts and then you must attend our Travel Team Tryouts that take place in early September. Only those players selected during tryouts will be eligible to play on a travel team in MTMHA. In order to play AE a player must first attend a Rep Tryout. All players selected to be on a travel team MUST have attended and paid for tryouts.
Mooretown offers local House League at the (U9) Novice level. In all other divisions (U11) Atom to (U18) Midget, we offer Tier 1 (Representative), Tier 3 (Additional Entry) and Four-County (Inter-County House League) only, which are all considered travel leagues in terms of ice time provided. Players interested in Rep or AE must attend a minimum of ONE Rep tryout to be eligible to play.
Players interested in Tri-County or House League only do not need to attend Rep or AE Tryouts.
We also hope to ice a (U21)Juvenile Rep team and provide an (U5) Instructional Program.
Q - What is the Respect In Sport Parent Program?
Anyone new to MTMHA must complete the Respect In Sport Parent Program in order for their player to be eligible to play hockey.
The OMHA has rolled out an extension of the Respect in Sport program to now include Parents. The ‘Respect in Hockey’ initiative requires all Team Officials, On-ice Volunteers, On-Ice Officials and Parents to take the appropriate ‘Respect’ education.
The Respect in Sport Program for Parents is a unique, in-depth 1 hour online program geared to providing the parent with information on how to evaluate and understand:
- Parental influence over a child
- Coach and leader roles in sport
- Role of the parent and coach in ensuring a child’s enjoyment of a sport
- Protecting your child when outside of your immediate control
- Concussion awareness & Return to Play guidelines
- Long-Term Player Development (LTPD) model
Click the link below for more information
Respect in Sport - Parent Program
Q - If my family cannot afford to pay for registration, is there any way we can still play hockey?
The YMCA in Sarnia administers a subsidy program called Jump Start that will help pay registration fees for MTMHA for players who qualify. Please contact the YMCA for more information. Website: | Phone: 519-336-9622
Q - Why do I need to submit a $500.00 volunteer cheque?
MTMHA is run by volunteers. We have no paid positions. Every family with a registered player in MTMHA must pay the volunteer fee, including the coaches and members of the MTMHA executive. Without the help of volunteers, the cost to operate MTMHA would be substantially higher. Our registration fees are the lowest around that we know of and we pride ourselves on our ability to keep our fees low. We don't want your money, we need your volunteer time. Volunteers generally assist during fund raising events like our Minor Hockey Tournaments, the Juvenile Silver Stick Tournament in January or by working on one of the fund raisers with the Hockey Moms. There are numerous opportunities to volunteer throughout a season. In our experience, most of our family members enjoy the time they spend volunteering with MTMHA, however some would not perform any volunteer activity if not for a potential financial impact. We are sorry we need to take this step; but it is the only way we can keep our organization running with the resources we have available to us. Other area centers also have volunteer fees, ranging up to $1000, and often require substantially more time to earn your refund.
All families will be required to do 8 volunteer hours.
Q - Who do I give the Volunteer Cheque to?
Cheques will be collected in September at time of TRYOUT. Skaters will NOT permitted on the ice until their cheque has been received. NO EXCEPTIONS. Those players not Trying out for a Travel Spot will submit the Volunteer Fee at their respective Tri-County/ House League Sort Evaluation.
Q - When will I get my volunteer cheque back?
The $500.00 Volunteer Fee is a deposit made in the form of a post-dated cheque (for January 20, 2023). MTMHA returns these as soon as you complete your 8 hours of volunteer work. To get your cheque returned you will need to provide proof to the Volunteer Coordinator that you have put in your 8 hours of time. The process of providing proof is easy and will be explained to you when you perform your volunteer time. There is more information about Volunteering in the For Parents section of the website.
Q - Why do I need to pay with a credit card?
We need to perform online registration as a member association of the OMHA. The only way we can currently accept funds via the OMHA on-line registration system is with a credit card. To complete registration we need to have payment and so we are forced to make all families pay with a credit card. This is driven by Hockey Canada Registration (HCR).
Q - What happens if I don't have a Visa or MC?
Although most people do have a VISA or MC, we understand that some families might not. For this reason, our payment system is set up to allow a different name on the credit card from the name of the family registering. We would ask that you make arrangements with a family member or friend that does have a suitable credit card to make payment on your behalf and you can reimburse them with cash, cheque or some other method. Another option is to purchase a prepaid credit card from your local convenience store prior to registering your son/daughter. If none of the above are an option please contact our registrar at [email protected]
Q - I did not register during the May 1st - June 30th Registration Period. Can I still play?
It is important to register during the registration period as there are a set number of players accepted per division.
All Players who do not register between May 1st and June 30th will be placed on a WAIT LIST with no guarantee of a team being available (excludes Instructional).
Any returning player who is not registered by the June 30th deadline will be charged a $200.00 late fee. MTMHA has implemented this late fee as it is very important to know accurate numbers early on to properly plan the season.
This will apply to all returning players in the Novice division and up (no exceptions).
When a spot becomes available wait list players will be released from the wait list in the order they registered-NO EXCEPTIONS.
You will receive an email confirmation that you have moved from the wait list by MTMHA Registrar. This list will not be released to teams/coaches.
Q - Can I get my money refunded if I decide not to play?
If you have already registered but end up choosing not to play, MTMHA will refund your registration costs based on when the refund request is made.
MTMHA Refund Policy:
Prior to October 15th - 100% of registration is refunded
Prior to October 31st - 75% of registration is refunded
Prior to November 15th - 50% of registration is refunded
After November 15th - NO refund is given
Because MTMHA is using Hockey Canada Registry, you can feel safe and secure when providing your personal information:
- Credit card information is never stored.
- With multiple back-ups, the latest firewall technology and advanced physical security, your data is secure.
Your personal information is protected under the Hockey Canada Privacy Policy
For more information click here: PRIVACY POLICY