2018 Mooretown Minor Hockey Association Annual General Meeting
Tuesday April 3, 2018 - 7:00pm at Moore Sports Complex (above Rink 2)
This is an opportunity to apply, nominate, and vote in new and existing Board Members. This information session discusses all operations and activities of MTMHA, new and old business and strategies moving forward as a membership. This AGM is expected to be longer than those in past years as we will be voting on constitutional amendments.
All MTMHA members are invited and encouraged to attend.
All members who are present will be entered into a draw for the following prizes: (must be present to win)
- 1 of 2 FREE Hockey Registrations for the 2018 / 2019 season (base registration only)
- 1 Dinner & a movie night ($100.00 Value: $60.00 at Bag Dog & $40.00 at movies)
- 1 $50.00 Sportcheck gift card
Agenda Items
- Approval of AGENDA
- President Address: Jason Bourdage
- Risk Management: Rick Leonard
- Financial Report: Jason McLean
- Financial Statement: Kevin Slater
- Registration: Connie Rosseel
- OMHA Report: Hugh McCowan
- Hockey Development: Corey Laframboise c/o Hugh McCowan
- Travel Team Report: Ryan Gavigan
- Shamrock Report: Todd Free
- Tri County Report: Stacey Mazur
- House League Report: Ross Carlton
- Equiptment Report: Bob Gladwish
- Hockey Mom's Report: Kim Sylvester
- Lady Flags: Jody Gagne
- Motions for Constitutional Amendments & Bylaws - Rick Leonard
- Questions / Answers: All
- Executive Elections: Jason Bourdage
Meeting Minutes
MTMHA President Jason Bourdage welcomed all attending followed by Executive introductions.
Risk Management Report - Reported by Rick Leonard
This was the first year we have put this role into effect. The duty of the 3rd Vice President (or Risk Manager) is to assess, identify and resolve any potential risks that may affect the reputation and function of MTMHA.
Face Off For Mental Health
On November 27th MTMHA Board of Directors representatives presented St.Clair Child & Youth Services with a cheque for $2156.50 in support of their Face Off For Mental Health initiative. This was a combination of the gate fees from November 11th and 12th and the Hockey Moms 50/50 donation for a total of $1078.25 and the association matched it!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our entire membership for the support you have shown the entire month of November & for bringing the discussion of mental health into our arena! We are happy to announce our partnership with SCCYS & excited for the next steps in this initiative! Information and services regarding Youth initiatives can be found under the Risk Management tab on our website.
Vulnerable Sector Screening
All team officials and volunteers were asked to complete a Vulnerable Sector Screen. 95% of those asked submitted an approved VSS. No staff members were rejected in the process. Now that we have a solid system in place to track, we will ensure that 100% of VSS are turned in or the Declaration of Criminal Offense is submitted.
Combined total of all players and coaching staff
-54 suspensions totaling 142 games
-49 game infractions – OMHA ……128 games
-5 Local suspensions – MTMHA ……14 games
-13 games to team officials
-129 games to players
Respect in Sport & Code of Conduct
All families had the RIS completed. Several incidents from the stands this season of spectators not following the protocol. All breeches in the 2018/19 will be subject to having to re-enroll in RIS training.
Health &Safety
In October we held a successful concussion awareness training and protocol seminar. We had 80% turnout from team representatives. This is a mandatory clinic that all trainers must attend.
Only 4 injury reports were submitted. As an Association we need to be better at communicating injuries. In total there were closer to 17 injuries, some season ending that did not get reported.
Gender Sensitivity
All Team Officials and volunteers successfully completed the Gender Identity & expression course.
Constitutional Amendments, Bylaw & Policy Review
We have amended the constitution to bring it up to date. The membership must vote on the changes tonight. Guidelines and Policies will be worked on over the summer and implemented for the 2018/19 season.
Implemented 3 new policies
· Discipline Policy
· Communication Policy
· Social Media Policy
Financial Report - Reported by Jason McLean
-Discussion on extra purchases and expenditures this season, including discussion of purchasing new ice dividers for next season to better support IP and Tyke programs.
-MTMHA purchased extra ice for the 2017 / 2018 season.
-Discussion on corporate donations, team will be able to keep 100% of any corporate donation $1000.00 and under. Anything over that amount will need to be reviewed by the Financial Committee.
-MTMHA will be raising the cost of registration by 6% for the 2018 / 2019 season, this is due to a possible drop in registration, to cover expenditures and to offset the change in corporate donations.
-Team budget review and expectations.
Financial Update - Reported by Kevin Slater
Review of 2017 / 2018 financial report
** Financial Report will be posted by the end of June.
Registration Report - Reported by Jason McLean (Report done by Connie Rosseel)
2017 - 2018 Registration Numbers by division
Instructional - 26
Initiation - 39
Novice - 63
Atom - 53
Peewee - 51
Bantam - 42
Midget – 57
Total - 331
-2018 / 2019 Registration Fees will be raised by 6% for the 2018 / 2019 season.
-Will have the option to pay tryout fee online as well as during initial tryouts.
-2018 / 2019 registration will open May 1st and close on June 30th.
-Late fee of $200.00 will be applied for all returning players if registered after June 30th.
-Payment plans are still available.
OMHA Report - Reported by Hugh McCowan
Congratulations to our Minor Midget OMHA Champions
-Novice Rep - Semi Final loss
-Novice AE - Semi Final loss
-Atom Rep - Semi Final loss
-Atom AE - Quarter Final loss
-Peewee Rep - Preliminary loss
-Peewee AE - Preliminary loss
-Bantam Rep - Quarter Final loss
-Bantam AE - Quarter Final loss
-Minor Midget - OMHA Champions
-Juvenile - Preliminary loss
-Lots of learning in regards to the IP program over the season. Ross Carlton and staff did an excellent job staying on top of literature coming down from the OMHA.
Hockey Development Report - Report by Hugh McCowan (Report done by Corey Laframboise
Looking for anyone who may be interested in helping with the development team for the 2018 / 2019 season.
Roles may include:
- Booking clinics - coaches, trainers, players etc..
- Helping with registration for clinics, taking attendance
- Coach Evaluations
- Player Evaluations
- Helping to develop our coaches and players to reach their hockey goals
2017 / 2018 Clinics
Power Edge Pro – Head Instructor Darren Rogers
These were the summer skates we ran, and we plan on running them again this summer. We invited PEP to run these sessions as we felt this would be a great opportunity for the kids to experience the PEP program.
Total PEP Cost - $2800.00
Registration - $2898.00
Ice Time - $1860.00
Total Cost - $4536.00
MTMHA Cost - $1514.00
The ice has already been booked to use them again and we are currently working on a schedule. We are also planning to do an online registration at $20 per skate. You will be able to pick and choose your nights, but you must pay online prior to skating. These classes will MAX out at 24 Skaters and 4 Goalies. Goalies will pay $5 per skate.
Total Package Hockey – Head Instructor, Scott Jones
This hockey school replaced the previous hockey school ran by coaches. We wanted to try this route as in the past lots of the athletes we under the impression that this was used for “tryouts”. TPH focuses a lot on technique and making sure the athletes are doing things properly.
We also plan on using TPH again this upcoming season for the hockey school. Registration will again be online at $20.00 / skater and $5.00 per goalie.
Total TPH Cost - $3464.10.00
Registration - $11,780
Ice Time - $1488.00
Total - $4952.00
MTMHA Cost – $6828.00 Profit
Defence Clinic
The board suggested to run a Defensive clinic this year and unfortunately, we only ran one. Very good feed back and we will try harder next season to add more of these.
Total TPH Cost- $692.00
Total Ice Time - $372.00.00
Total - $1064.00
Checking Clinics- 5 Clinics Head Instructor, Jeff Allen
We strongly suggest coaches and players that want to coach and play hockey where body contact is allowed, to attend these clinics. The game changes and the approach by the athletes’ change. Jeff Allen does a fantastic job and we will be contacting him again to help this season. This clinic will also help Peewee aged players
Instructor Cost - $550.00
Registration - $240.00
Ice Time - $930.00
Total - $1480.00
MTMHA Cost -$1240.00
*Mooretown covered the cost for the first 4 clinics.
Goaltending Clinics - Instructors, Blair Gaulton & Steven McKechan
Instructor Cost – FREE
Registration - $400.00
Ice Time- $930.00
Total - $930.00
MTMHA Cost -$530.00
Travel Team Report - Ryan Gavigan
Team Accomplishments
Novice Rep
-International Silverstick Champions
-Regional Silverstick Champions
-OMHA Semi-Finalists
-Rob Johnston Memorial Tournament Champions
Atom AE
-Shamrock B Division Champions
-Peterborough Tournament Champions
Atom Rep
-Regional Silverstick Champions
-International Silverstick Semi-Finalists
-OMHA Semi-Finalists
-Bill Batton Memorial Tournament Champions
-Delhi Tobacco Tournament Champions
Peewee Rep
-Bobby Orr Hall of Fame Classic Runner Up
-Roy Calley Memorial Silverstick Runner Up
-Shamrock Runner Up
Bantam Rep
-OMHA Semi-Finalists
-Motown Cup Semi-Finalists
Minor Midget
-OMHA Champions
Our Novice, Peewee & Bantam AE teams all had strong season as well, vast improvements along the way.
Coach evaluations due - May 1st
Coach applications due - May 1st
Coach application review - May 6-12th
Coach Interviews - May 14-17th
Coaches Announced - May 24th
Coaching Clinics - End of August / early September
Shamrock Report - Reported by Todd Free
-A total of 10 MTMHA teams participated in the SHL during the 2017 / 2018 season.
-7 of the 10 teams participated in the SHL playoffs.
-Bantam Rep & Atom AE won their respective pools.
-Plaques are being engraved and will be put on display in our trophy case.
-On Sunday April 8th, 2018 we have 26 players representing MTMHA at the SHL All Star Game in St.Marys.
Tri County Report - Reported by Stacey Mazur
- A total of 7 MTMHA Tri County teams in the 2017 / 2018 season.
- Atom (2) Peewee (2) Bantam (1) Midget (2)
-Atom White finished 3rd in Championship Round Robin.
-Atom Black finished 4th in Consolation.
-Peewee Orange were finalists against Dresden White.
-Peewee Black finished 5th in Championship Round Robin.
-Bantam were finalists against Wallaceburg.
-Midget White finished 2nd in Consolation Round Robin.
-Midget Black finished 5th in Consolation Round Robin.
Tri County coaches are needed for the 2018 / 2019 season. Coaches are allowed to choose 1 trainer and 1 helper in order to have a familiar face helping with their team.
House League Report - Reported by Ross Carlton
-It was a pretty challenging year this year with all the rule changes in the IP and Instructional age groups. Half ice hockey was met with a lot of skepticism and questions to its validity at these age groups. I was definitely skeptical going into the year but as the year progressed I definitely believe it is the way to go at the under 7 age levels.
Instructional Hockey
-We had approximately 29 boys and girls in the Instructional level this year. I would like to thank Bryan Jeffrey, Derek McKinlay, Matt Carpenter, Corey McKellar and Dustin McEvoy for all their help on the ice all year. We went into the year with very simple goals of improving skating and having a lot of fun. I believe we accomplished this and look forward to seeing all the kids around the arena again next year.
-Implementing the half ice hockey at this age group was a big challenge this year.
-Our association purchased foam dividers and smaller nets as was required by the OMHA. I would like to thank Mark Gauvin and Derek Gibb for all their help all year with this transition.
-We had 38 skaters in IP this year and all of them improved immensely.
Novice HL
-We had 2 teams in Novice HL this year. A big thanks to Adam Schenk, Dan Sparks and Brad Ysebaert for stepping up and coaching the teams this year.
-I would recommend next year we look into the Novice HL playing in the Tri-county loop as this is what Petrolia will be looking into as well.
Equipment Report - Reported by Bob Gladwish
For travel or teams with returned jerseys:
-All jerseys to be washed and hung up by colour per bag.
-All C’s and A’s must be removed.
-Please inspect the jerseys for any holes tears etc. and note as such.
For ALL teams:
-Puck buckets and any practice pucks need to be returned.
-Team trainer bags also need to be returned.
-Reminder to anyone who borrowed goalie equipment for your child that it must be returned as well.
-All locks in the coaches room will need to be removed in the lockers emptied as well by April 17.
-Return dates are as follows; April 10 6-8PM & April 17 6-8pm
Hockey Mom's Report - Reported by Kim Sylvester
- Hockey Moms had a busy 2017 / 2018 season and we would like to thank all who supported us and worked with us to raise money. We would like to thank the parents and grandparents who went above and beyond their 6 hours to help us, as well as the students who helped out when needed.
Hockey Moms held the following events this season:
-Ball Hockey BBQ
-Captain Kiss Days BBQ & Bar
-BBQ in September at try outs
-Chuck A Puck (Flags Games)
-Halloween kid's dance
-Pepperette fundraiser
-Two November kitchens
-Snowflake Bazaar
-Cash calendar draws
-Silver Stick kitchen
-Valentine trip draw
-Hockey Day kitchen
-Meat fundraiser
-50/50 at gates (donated 50/50 money raised during the "Face Off For Mental Health" weekend to SCCYS)
-As a reminder Hockey Moms use high school students as volunteers to get their school volunteer hours in, watch the Hockey Moms Facebook page for details.
-Hockey Moms reimburse the full amount of the kids who take the referee clinic if they volunteer 15 hours.
-Again we would like to thank everyone for their continued support, without everyone's support we wouldn't be able to make this years donation of $16 500.00 to Mooretown Minor Hockey Association.
THANK YOU Hockey Moms!!! Great job this season!
Lady Flags - Represented by Mike Hobbs
-Mike fielded some questions from the Lady Flags members, he directed all questions and concerns to be brought to The Lady Flags AGM. This is when the members will have the opportunity to voice any concerns and discuss the direction of the association.
- The Lady Flags AGM is scheduled for May 7th, 2018 at 7:00PM.
Motions for Constitutional Amendments & Bylaws - Rick Leonard
Motion 1 -Amend the Language of Mooretown Minor Hockey Constitution to fall within current Gender-Neutral
Seconded - Ian Snedded ... Motion Carried
Motion 2 - Amend the Language of Mooretown Minor Hockey Constitution to be cleaner, more concise, structured
and modern
Seconded - Greg Armstrong ... Motion Carried
Motion 3 - Insert Code of Conduct, Mission Statement, Values, Definitions.
Seconded - Kaylen Burgess ... Motion Carried
Motion 4 - Amend the description of Directors and the Procedures to Elect to better match OMHA By-law One.
Inclusion: list of positions, Meeting of the Directors.
Amended to include - Minutes will be posted monthly on the MTMHA website for member review.
Seconded - Rebecca Brander ... Motion Carried
Motion 5 - Addition of the 3rd Vice President Risk Management Officer as voted on at 2017 AGM.
Seconded - Greg Armstrong ... Motion Carried
Motion 6 - Remove Director Of Rules & Regulations Committee. Role divided up.
Seconded - Greg Armstrong ... Motion Carried
Motion 7.1 -Remove from Constitution: Move to Guidelines and Policies Page
• Travel, Tri-County & House League Coaches Selection Process Criteria
• Coach Selection Criteria
• Player Development
• Team Funding
Seconded - Mike Anderson ... Motion Carried
Motion 7.2 - Remove Director Of Works Committee. Role absorbed by The Hockey Mothers Association
Seconded - Kaylen Burgess ... Motion Carried
Motion 8 - Amend Bylaw 1 in accordance with OMHA Locker Room Assignments
Seconded - Bob Gladwish ... Motion Carried
Motion 9 - Amend Bylaw 4:
Adjustment to financial assistance for winning regional Silverstick
Adjustment to financial assistance for Playing in OMHA Finals
Include option for OMHA spirit wear
Exclusion of reference to Lady Flags
Motion to split & discuss all four parts sperate.
Seconded - Bob Gladwish... Motion Carried
Motion 9.1 - Adjustment to financial assistance for winning regional Silverstick
Seconded - Ian Snedden ... Motion Carried
Motion 9.2 - Adjustment to financial assistance for Playing in OMHA Finals
Seconded - Ian Snedden ... Motion Carried
Motion 9.3 - Include option for OMHA spirit wear
Seconded - Rebecca Brander ... Motion Carried
Motion 9.4 - Exclusion of reference to Lady Flags
Seconded - Rebecca Brander ... Motion Carried
Motion 10 - Amend Bylaw 6: Teams are no longer permitted to purchase and Hang their own Team Banners
at Moore Sports Complex.
Seconded - Mike Anderson ... Motion Carried
Motion 11 - Amend Bylaw 8: Replace “Executive” Reference to Risk Management Officer”
Seconded - Stacy Mazur ... Motion Carried
Motion 12 - Amend Bylaw 11: Remove Corporate Donation percentage share.
Seconded - Greg Armstrong ... Motion Carried
Questions & Answers
Q: Is there a procedure to follow up on suspensions?
A: Exec will post guidelines on website and maybe add to the coaches manual for convenient reference.
Q: Is there a better way to improve collecting for our gates?
A: We used volunteers to help man the doors, this has worked and helped to keep people from going in the back and side doors.
Q: Why only hang OMHA and Silverstick banners?
A: Because they are the most prestigious and the arena has limited us as to what we are allowed to hang. They are running out of room and it is a lot of work. This is an arena decision, not a MTMHA decision.
Q: Do corporate donation cheques get made out to MTMHA or the specific team?
A: The specific team that way it does not cross into MTMHA funds.
Q: If a parent from a team wants to donate to the team, but in exchange wants their business name on a jersey; can they do that?
A: No, jerseys are owned by MTMHA and that would be part of the sponsorship program.
Election of Executive
2018 / 2019 MTMHA Board of Directors

AGM Draws
$50.00 Sport Chek gift card - Brad Nicholson
Dinner & Movie Bundle ($100.00 value) - Aaron Ticknor
Free 2018/2019 base registration - Andrea Snedden & Sarah McLean
In Closing
Thank you to all of the MTMHA members who took part in the 2018 Annual General Meeting. Many good questions were asked and as a board we will continue to strive to serve our membership to best of our ability. We would like to thank Ross Carlton and Shawn Gladwish for their time on the board as they are stepping down.
A big welcome to our new board members, Marilyn Maoriat, Greg Armstrong, Derek Gibbs and Adam Oblak.
Thank you for a GREAT season!!