Mar 04, 2014 | novicevipers | 763 views
Its finally here!!
Our first game is Friday at 5:30pm at the Aurora Community Centre CC2 (Rink 2).
Assuming everyone is headed to the Hotel first, we should all probably meet at 3-30pm somewhere along our floor. That being the case, please try to have checked in before 2:30. Call ahead for early check-in if you like but I wouldn't think it be an issue.
May I also suggest the players get a later lunch. We can discuss post game meal at the meet. For those that have to go directly to the arena please be there NLT 4:45 pm. Please have your skater dressed in White Shirts and Red ties when arriving to games.
I realize each child is going to want to B line it for the pool, but can you please try to keep the skaters from pool before the game on Friday night.
Finally, I know mini sticks are almost a tradition at tournaments, but the hotel has continually sent me reminders of their STRICT policy against the use of sticks, balls, equipment and yada yada yada... and unfortunately mini-sticks is at the top of the list... just sayin'. Keep in mind we're representing Mooretown.
We'll try to get this out to you in an email as well...
See you there!!