Mar 16, 2014 | atomtc | 963 views
Too many awesome things to say again, you will have to read more..
I remember early last season when I first meet Connor. His dad and myself had to convince him to get out on the ice. He worked very hard and Connor ended up having a fantastic season. This season was even better having a lot more confidence on his skates and handling the puck with more skill. Size does make a difference as Connor towers over most players and he definitely has momentum when he straps the skates on. And when your this big,,They call you "Mr.",, This combined with his drive to dig for the puck has earned him a well deserved 4 goals, and a whopping 20 assists... So far this season, Fabulous work Connor !! This Right Winger has proven he knows all about "Tri County Teamwork",, and has done a great job defending his part of the ice and creating some great plays for this team ,,"Thank You Connor".. I cant wait to see what next season brings for this player because it just keeps getting better every game..High 5 Connor !!