Jan 28, 2019 | Bantamtc1 | 1071 views
End of Season Recap
Sunday night marked the end of the regular season.
Sunday night marked the end of the regular season. It was a season of ups and downs. We started the season looking like nobody could beat us. We went through a stretch where we couldn't beat anyone. We bonded throughout the season through the wins and losses and with great events like the Hamilton Tigercats game and our Christmas celebration. We did, however, lose a very valuable part of the team when Colby went down with a serious injury. In his absence we have rallied to find inspiration to resurrect our early season success. We ended the season on a high note with a great performance against one of the top teams; a big convincing win Sunday night against Bothwell (Southwest Bullets). I think that game summed up what we need to continue to be successful in the playoffs. "If we pass, we kick a**"