Sep 20, 2023 | U13AE | 631 views
U13 AE Final Roster- Congratulations!
It has been a long 2 weeks of tryouts. We would like to thank everyone who came to the U13 AE tryouts this week. It was a good game tonight vs Petrolia and was great to see the boys come out with a win. The decision to release players has been extremely difficult for the selection committee. We would like to wish all players released success in their season.
Congratulations to the players selected for the U13 AE team this year:
Ronnie Atyeo
Landon Barlow
Beckham Bartosz
Nolan Bogaert
Grady Boyd
Jackson Bunda
Finn Burnie
Brent Doan
Cruz Marinaro
Logan Maw
Landon Modde
Brody Schenck
Tyler Vandenberg
Liam Vanwaterschoot
We are looking foward to a great season!
We will see you Friday night in Wallaceburg. Please arrive in Wallaceburg 1 hour prior to gametime.
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