Sep 13, 2016 | AtomPeeweeRep | 882 views
2016-2017 Atom Rep
The Atom Rep coaching staff want to thank all players who came out to the Atom Rep tryouts for the 2016-2017 season. This was an extremely difficult process for the coaching staff over the last couple of days, with a lot of talent seen on the ice but unfortunately we cannot take all players. The coaches want to thank all players not on the final Atom Rep roster for their hard work and wish you the best of luck in the upcoming season. Those players not on the final roster are to attend the Atom AE try outs on Wednesday Sept 14th @ 5:10pm.
Thank you Atom Rep Coaching Staff
Congratulations to those players who are on the final roster for the 2016-2017. Practice starts on Sunday Sept 18th @ 2:40pm. Stay tuned for further information.
Thank you