Streaming Live, News, Novice Girls, 2016-2017 (Mooretown Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 02, 2016 | mmacleod | 1066 views
Streaming Live
You may have heard that today was our first live streaming broadcast on Periscope!
While we can't guarantee that every game will be broadcast, we invite you to follow us on Periscope to catch the action when we are able to go live with our in-game play. 

Please see the instructions below to get yourself set up so you can catch the next game!

Okay, you've heard about this...and it sounds pretty neat - but technology can sometimes be hard...perhaps even painful.  Lucky for you, the Mooretown Lady Flags Novice Girls media team (all one of me, but I'm looking for volunteers!) have strongly held convictions that anyone who wants to see one of our games, should be able to. We have the technology! I believe in harnessing the power of social media to keep you on the edge of your seat watching these kids who you love.

So, stick with me here, and I hope to get you online and up and running.  I'm going to run thru some options and I want you to trust me when I say that you can do this! (can you hear me cheering in your corner?)

What is streaming?  The video stream that I hope to provide is available both in real time, and it is also available post-game at any time.

What is Periscope? Periscope is the application or platform, the actual piece of technology, that allows me (and other volunteers) to go from simply filming our game on our phone to streaming it across the web for anyone, anywhere to watch. Periscope can be accessed in two ways.
#1 - Download the app, follow our page, watch our game live, participate by commenting, asking questions or sending love (recommended), or; 
#2 - Visiting our "channel" on Periscope.TV from any laptop or device to just watch.  This is a good starting point for those that have little comfort with technology and just want to see what we are even talking about. Why isn't this recommended?  Because its passive - you can't communicate, ask questions, participate at all - its just like watching TV.  This is a-ok for those that are comfortable with this, but I am a nerd and like to maximize technology so I will always try and get you to be active rather than passive participants. Plus, with option 2, its impossible to heckle the commentator (wait, that's me?) which is half the fun :) 

Still with me? (I hope so!)

Step by step for #2. - Go to in any browser.  You can review any past streams there at any time.  When a game is scheduled to start, simply visit this channel and our feed will pop up and you can watch.  Enjoy!

Step by step for #1 - If you don't already have the Twitter app, download it from the App Store for Apple users or the Google Play Store for Android users.  I know what you are thinking...why are we talking about Twitter all of a sudden?  Periscope is owned by Twitter.  The easiest way to get to Periscope is thru Twitter.  I know it sounds annoying, but stick with me here.  So, you have Twitter - follow the instructions to open an account.  It is relatively painless.  Twitter is great for keeping up to date with your favourite actors, writers, politicians, businesses, etc.  But if you only create a Twitter account just for the sole purpose of accessing Periscope, that is totally okay.  

Next, go back to the App Store/Play Store to search and download Periscope. Once you have it downloaded, you open it and it will ask you to sign in with Twitter.  Click that button and  once you get to the home screen, look for an icon that looks like a magnifying glass - It will give you three options - Broadcasts, Places and People. Choose People. Go to the search bar and type in ladyflagsnovice - all one word.  Our team will pop up.  Check the box, congratulations, you have now following our channel! You will automatically get notifications when we go live with a broadcast. Simply click the notification to open, or open the app and click the little tv icon - it will bring up any channels you follow that currently have live and archived feeds and you just click on it to open. You should be able to see and hear live video.  A text box will show up at the bottom which I encourage you to use to say hi, ask questions (Who just made that play? Have we had any penalties?  I'm just tuning in, whats the score?, etc.) I, and other volunteer broadcasters, will do their best to respond to you and you will be surprised how "in the game" you feel.  Also, if you touch the screen, you'll send us hearts. :) Try it!  Tell your friends!  

Lastly, every device is different, every application update moves things around just slightly and I know this can be frustrating.  If these instructions don't add up for you - don't give up - please ask! I have walked more than one parent/aunt/son/grandparent thru the process.  If you can believe it - my dad didn't even know how to send a text only a few short years ago and now regularly communicates and adds his text commentary to the feed with an ipad on his lap, while airstreaming thru apple tv to his big screen.  All of a sudden, watching your grand/kid on the big screen while you actively cheer is a thing.