Nov 15, 2013 | novicetc | 361 views
Tic Tac Goal
This week instead of a practice the boys faced off against Wallaceburg. It was the first meeting of the season and the coaches had the boys ready to play.
After weeks of preaching puck movement and positioning the team showed that they were listening. Their attention to detail might not have shown up on the scored board but there were a number of highlight reel passing plays that ended in goals. Mooretown Storm remained undefeated in league play and continue to improve every game. This will be a great game to build on – Great work Boys.
Next up is a weekend full of hockey – Exhibition game vs. Ridgetown and league game vs. Blenheim Blades.
Great Teamwork
The Storm should be congratulated on their amazing team play this early in the season. After this past weekend slate of games, every player on the team has at least one goal and one assist. With this type of contribution from everyone, the team will continue to grow and be a force to be reckoned with in every game they play. The coaches are selling a team game and to this point in the season the boys are buying in. Great Teamwork by everyone.