Jan 19, 2015 | bantamae | 1184 views
Well again the boys represented Mooretown Minor Hockey very well at the International Silver Stick in Pelham. The tournament had 70 teams from Atom-Midget. In the Bantam Division there were 16 teams.
The boys came out of the round robin 1-2. That put us into Tier II in the quarter finals where we won 6-1 against Hatfield. This meant onto the semi finals Saturday Morning. Well the boys played Atlanta Phoenix and won 5-3, which sent us onto the finals on Sunday. Again Sunday the boys came to the arena ready to play. They had to go up against Huntsville Otters and fell short with an outcome of 2-1. We are all so proud of the boys and their hard work and dedication during an amazing tournament that they will remember for the rest of their lives. Even though is it just a finalist banner and trophy they should be proud when it is placed in the arena in the next few weeks. Here is a picture of both teams champs and finalist showing what sportsmanship is all about.