Jan 15, 2018 | AtomTCblack | 689 views
Fraze & Jeff!
These two lads with the floating "ghost" GJ between them played some good hockey over the weekend. Fraze got the GJ for scoring 4 big ones last game at home, helping your hometown Mooretown Jr. Flags capture their first W in a few games. He picked Jeff to get the GJ today in our game versus P-town for always being open even on D. I think he's referring to those passes he made to the point where Jeff nearly scored. Congrats boys, we can hardly wait to see who Jeff picks next! Mooretown will be in action against West Lorne (at their barn) to make-up for the cancellation we faced this weekend! And with these two working the way they've been, we should have no trouble pulling off a W. Go Flags!