Feb 27, 2014 | novicevipers | 228 views
March Madness Tournament Schedule
The tournament schedule has been released. It works out amazing for us.
I'll print off and bring enough for everyone on Saturday, but will paste a copy on this article. The Aurora Website has yet to be updated. I wanted to point out the tournament is being held at two different Venues that are not at all far from each other and the games are spread far enough apart that we wont be rushed traveling between them.
Please submit your payment to Shannon at your earliest convenience. Also please confirm with Shannon when you have booked your hotel. Just want to keep tab on all my minions..moo ha ha!
Fri March 7th 5:30pm Vipers vs Nepean Eagles @ Aurora Community Centre (CC Rink 2)
Sat March 8th 1:00pm Vipers vs Kitchener Jets @ Aurora (Stronach) Recreation Centre (East Rink)
Sat March 8th 3:45pm Vipers @ Stouffville @ Aurora Community Centre (CC Rink 2)